It’s time to introduce our newest director, Daniel Klein.
Despite being new to the director role, Dan isn’t actually new to MosaicLab at all. Dan has been guiding and supporting us behind the scenes since 2017 and has been instrumental in helping shape who we are today, and is essentially our original ‘CFO’.
While Dan is already a valued member of the MosaicLab family, he has, until now, stayed out of the limelight. As this role marks a new chapter for us and Dan we’re turning the spotlight on him.
We gave him a grilling (but not really we just asked him some fun questions) so we can find out all about this interesting individual who speaks German, hails from overseas, aligns closely with MosaicLab’s values, loves an inspiring quote and is energised by solving really tricky business challenges.
“We want to share our learnings with others so they can improve their quality.
‘A rising sea lifts all boats’
is our motto.”
What ARE the highlights of your mosaicLab journey so far?
We started small with the idea of working together, saw a great opportunity and have honestly rolled on from there. It has been so much fun working with good people, doing important things, well.
The business was impacted by the pandemic and when the whole team pulled together, sorted a revival strategy and pulled it off, it was fantastic. The feeling of going through ‘fire’ together is very bonding.
Another recent highlight is we have the first (hopefully of several) team members coming through and progressing to principal level. To see how everyone is developing individually and as a team is thrilling and encouraging.
What are you hoping to achieve in the next 12 months at MosaicLab?
I would like us to expand even more into New South Wales and Queensland. We have a lot to offer, are set up to deliver anywhere, and are starting to develop local talent interstate. I believe we do good work and that it can be best appreciated when it is new to an area. I mean this humbly, but I believe we lift the bar for all.
Dan pictured with MosaicLab directors Keith and Nicole and principals Lyndal and Jane.
If you had to describe MosaicLab in three words, what would they be?
Quality, Integrity and Family. Those are the words that spring to mind.
Quality is our constant driver. We want to be better, the best we can be, but then get even better again. Weird for the business world I know, but we then want to share our learnings with others so they can improve their quality. ‘A rising sea lifts all boats’ is our motto.
Integrity is how we want live. Open, honest, tackling tough and often emotional issues with a pure heart. We want things to be worked out in a way that benefits everyone, not just for our own interest. We do not try to trick or fool people. We believe you do not have to hide information or cut corners to win and deliver good service. We want to do exactly as we say and keep our promises (and not make promises we can not keep).
Family embodies loyalty and mutual respect. We are always looking to add great people to the MosaicLab family and rarely engage facilitators as subcontractors - we want them on the team. We want people to stay with us as for as long as we both want to work together. We view clients as an extended part of this family and treat our suppliers and the people we come into contact with as we would want to be treated.
What energises you at work?
This sounds strange but I have come to love riding the wave of anticipation - working on something that is challenging (not easy!) where we often do not have an immediate solution but trust that there is a solution.
I like the complexity of human behaviour and the excitement of when things work. There used to be a TV advertisement where an accountant was sitting with a blank face, in front of a computer, then all of the sudden stands up and cries out ‘yes’, fist pumping the air, and then sits down again in front of the computer, blank faced. That makes me smile.
fast facts about Dan
favourite quote…
Haha. I have two quotes that are like rules in my life!
“Nothing Succeeds like Success” (original: Success Breeds Success).
We have to look for and celebrate successes (and learn from our failures) because being successful makes us happier, stronger, more confident and more robust which in turn encourages us to be curious, brave, and more willing to push the envelope and try new things (and hopefully be more successful…).
The second is “Energy follows Focus”. I notice in myself and in others, when we are frayed and frazzled, often when we have 100 things on our mind, everything seems bigger than Ben-Hur. Focus on three things, then the next three… by prioritising and gaining focus, we can bring back the energy needed to be successful and hopefully the best person we can be.
Above and right - Dan taking part in the festivities at MosaicLab’s Strategy Week.
ideal weekend…
I live a seven-day weekend (also a book by Ricardo Semler). It is very un-Australian but I want every day to be full of relevant things.
I might take a chill-day on a Wednesday and have a Saturday booked to midnight.
My goal is that life is balanced and in harmony between energising and restful activities.
not many people know…
I was a horrible language student but still managed, as an adult, to learn German as a second language. That opened up the world of the German mindset (and more) to me. I am a huge fan of learning a second language for the cultural understanding we gain.
best piece of advice EVER received…
Three interlinked pieces of advice I have always treasured; “Live and love openly and honestly”. “Don’t lie to others and certainly never lie to yourself”. And finally, “Leave this world a better place than you found it.”
grateful for…
I have experienced an immense amount of generosity and kindness from others. When I was a struggling young man in Europe, and later throughout my life from friends, family and complete strangers.
Without other people giving their time, energy, effort and resources without wanting anything in return, my life would be completely different. For all those people and all those moments, I am deeply grateful. I often search for the opportunity to give back to others as a way of honouring that generosity and kindness of others.
Learn more about Dan here.
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