Anger, outrage, blame, despair.
Many of us have experienced conversations where high emotions like these erupt. Without the right skills or approach, the situation can escalate, lead to conflict and derail any chance of a beneficial outcome.
We understand how challenging it can be for organisations to engage in conversations with their team, stakeholders or community around sensitive or contentious issues.
These conversations can be confronting. They can test relationships. And they can cause everyone to become stuck, especially when the issue is delicate or where high levels of risk are involved.
Aiming for short-term wins, trying to fast-track a process or attempting to railroad a group towards a preferred ‘solution’? Unfortunately, that can backfire and lead to long-term pain and relationship damage; or, what we like to call ‘long-term pain from short-term gain’.
Unpacking and understanding what is happening in these situations and what is underneath the high emotion will help you respond better, hear diverse viewpoints, reduce risks, repair relationships and find a way forward.
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MosaicLab Academy Taster Series:
Tips for Navigating Challenging Conversations
“Really practical skills that can be applied to our jobs. Thank you.”
Facilitating Challenging Conversations is one of our self-directed short courses offered through our MosaicLab Academy online training platform. Self-directed courses are easy and convenient. Take them at home, in your own time and at your own pace.
And you don’t have to be a facilitator to take this course. It’s aimed at anyone in a role that includes regular interaction with stakeholders or communities, particularly where there might be a lack of trust or a history of emotion and conflict.
The course covers a lot of theory that underpins conflict, outrage and risk communication, to support you to understand and reflect on what you are seeing, hearing, reading as well as how you and your organisation are responding.
In a special treat, this course is presented by MosaicLab Co-Founder Nicole Hunter. As the modules progress, she shares personal insights, stories of high-emotion environments she has experienced and powerful examples of how she has used these skills and concepts to harness the energy in the room to move the conversation forward in a positive and respectful way.
“Great tools to use and I love the formula for de-escalation.”
Course highlights:
six learning modules
12 training videos
10 downloadable resources
self-directed (online in your own time)
four hours to complete (average)
foundational/beginner learning level – no pre-requisites
return access to course content.
By the end of this course, you will:
understand the theory of outrage management, risk communication and conflict styles
identify what high emotion looks like and where we commonly go wrong; anger and where it comes from; who is the public and how they might respond
understand conflict and different conflict styles; how anger escalates and de-escalates and how ‘outrage contagion’ can occur in a group/community
have awareness of your own reactions to high emotion and how these reactions can affect a conversation
have a toolkit of methods, language and approaches to build productive interactions out of difficult ones
have tips to prepare for these meetings (room set up, resources, agendas etc.) as well as how to debrief afterwards for ongoing learning and development.
Summer holiday special was $345 now $260
Taster One: The Seven Steps Of Engagement Planning
Taster Two: Tips for Navigating Challenging Conversations
Taster Three: Crucial First Steps in Planning a Successful Facilitation
Our website is packed with other free resources including guides, videos and publications that you can download and view right now.
Plus our free monthly newsletter, The Discussion shares the latest engagement news, ideas, case studies and more. Subscribe for free today.
Here at MosaicLab, we believe in learning, sharing and continuous improvement.
One of the ways we reinvest in the field we love is by publishing a wide range of free resources that aim to help others to enhance their engagement, facilitation and deliberation practice.
We share our skills so that you can build yours!
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