Racquel Kerr, a Dja Dja Wurrung/ Boonwurrung woman, has created an extraordinary artwork for MosaicLab.
“Nyernyila (nyurn-yil-ah) means deep listening in Djaara language, and the piece reflects the core principles of MosaicLab: flexibility, flow, and integrated engagement to inform common goals.”
Racquel recently co-facilitated the Environmental Protection Authority Traditional Owner Forum with us, experiencing MosaicLab from a unique vantage point.
Racquel’s observations of MosaicLab in action inspired her work, which depicts conversations that happen and the journey to get there.
The piece is a visual story. The centrepoint represents MosaicLab facilitators with all of our layers. It shows how our role is listening deeply, then guiding and supporting the conversation as it flows back out and eventually builds to outcomes.
Groups of people are here there and everywhere and there’s a ripple effect as people communicate and come together - Racquel
The white lines show the flow of the conversation as it loops and circles back through many group discussions. The work speaks to the flexibility that underpins MosaicLab’s facilitation. Racquel says that flexibility is an important part of engaging with Traditional Owners and that it is a core principle underpinning how Traditional Owners communicate.
MosaicLab’s facilitation supports deviation away from and around the issue before coming back into the point or decision. It’s not about being direct, which also reflects how Traditional Owners communicate and problem solve through conversation and story-telling - Racquel
We are always looking to expand our knowledge. Racquel has helped us to further our understanding of how organisations can engage more effectively with Traditional Owners and how facilitators can support Traditional Owner conversations.
One issue we see is trying to achieve all the answers from one conversation and hurrying people towards an outcome. Often this is based on good intentions, however, organisations need to work flexibly to meet the needs of the Traditional Owners rather than responding only to the needs of decision-makers - Racquel
We seek to help and encourage organisations to engage more meaningfully with First Nations people and their representatives. We value continuous learning and believe that amplifying the voices of Traditional Owners in decision-making is critical to achieving a better future.
We are so grateful to have connected with you Racquel and are so very honoured by your artwork.
about Racquel
Racquel is a proud Dja Dja Wurrung and Boonwurrung woman based in Victoria. Her works encompass everything from art/ design to cultural heritage, legislation and engagement.
With 13 year's experience in the Victorian Traditional Owner sector, she has also worked across a variety of areas, from Aboriginal cultural heritage and legislation, Indigenous urban design to stakeholder and partnership development.
Racquel’s passion in creating and facilitating outcomes for First Nations Peoples has led to extensive work both in the public and private sector, providing exceptional service and knowledge delivery.
Racquel heads up Racquel Kerr Consulting, which redefines the concept of creative consulting, where possibilities are endless. Services she delivers include: facilitation and emcee; engagement; culture and education; corporate and industry advice and strategy; art and design.
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