Lets have some fun blog banner -  CC Webinar7

MosaicLab facilitators were joined by a number of our friends for the 7th and final Continuous Connections session of 2020.

This was no normal webinar, as we came together to explore the year that was 2020, via online games.

We shared hilarious moments finding out people’s ‘Quirky Novel Title’, which is: The (your current mood) + (object to your right) of (grandmother's first name) + (last thing you ate). We ended up with novel titles such as ‘The happy cushion of Josephine Chips’.

We played three connection games in random teams, making the most of breakout rooms. These games included ‘unique commonalities’, ‘scattergories’ (with categories relating to 2020 and holidays), and a world first game of ‘zoom tiggy’, where we chased down another participant through all of the breakout rooms to gain a point. Armchair adrenalin was high, with many laughs in the process.

We finished off our games edition with a ‘choose your own adventure’ session to reflect on the year 2020 and how we want to define it. Album covers and track lists were created (including songs like ‘Don’t stand so close to me’ by Sting), haiku’s (including ‘Working from home now, Chins, nose, forehead views, MS Teams, Zoom, Zoom’) and story telling and drawing (on a zoom whiteboard) our funniest moments online for 2020.

It was a lovely way to end off the year and finish our Continuous Connection Webinar Series for 2020. We look forward to providing more free webinars in 2021 - please register your interest and let us know any topics you are particularly interested in.


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