MosaicLab is a team of senior, experienced community engagement consultants and facilitators. We specialise in high influence and deliberative engagement. 

MosaicLab has collected your personal information on this form, including your name, email address, telephone number, address, gender, age, and highest level of education attained.

We are required to collect and maintain this information for MosaicLab’s functions and activities. The specific purpose for collecting your personal information is to process your expression of interest and for statistical purposes to ensure the panel broadly represents the community.

We will use the personal information for that purpose and to contact you. We may also disclose that information to those operating the venue being used for security reasons.

If the personal information is not collected, we may not be able to fulfil our role and ensure the panel represents the demographics of the community, contact you with relevant communications and updates leading up to and throughout the panel, and issue other logistical services such as a security access pass or provide access to the premise we may be operating on.

More detailed information about the way MosaicLab uses and discloses your personal information is set out in our comprehensive Privacy Policy at

Our Privacy Policy includes information about how you may access your personal information or seek correction of your personal information. Our Privacy Policy also includes information about how you may make a complaint about how your personal information has been handled. 

Please address all requests or questions about how we deal with your personal information, requests for access to your information or to tell us that you no longer wish to receive any communications from us to You may also request a copy of our Privacy Policy at the above address.