Panellist -
Infrastructure Victoria Transport Network
“I have been in (and run) numerous facilitated development sessions. I have never been to one that was so well run, inclusive and targeted. And MosaicLab could still manage the deliberative process - excellent. Facilitators extraordinarily professional.”
Panellist -
NWPHN Dying Well Panel
“The collective outcome was because of MosaicLab – the staff were extraordinary.
They were nurturing, they were supportive and it flowed. It was such an emotional and personal experience, but to have those gentle boundaries and the personalities within MosaicLab – I was very grateful. It wouldn’t and couldn’t have been the same without them.”
Panellist -
Surf Coast Shire Spring Creek Structure Plan
Panellist -
Future Melbourne
City of Melbourne Ten Year Financial Plan
“The process ensured we all had a chance to build the plan the way we wanted it. Everybody had the opportunity to feed in. We know there will still be people not happy but we achieved an enormous amount.”
“Today you both were brilliant. I loved the way you paced us, coaxed, deterred and encouraged us. Totally, exquisitely professional and utterly outcome-focussed. You timed us down to the last minute. It’s what musical theatre stage-management does best – getting the scene-change/lighting/fly cue ‘on the button’.”
“Many recommendations were the result of robust debate and a democratic vote, deciding what we would include in our report. I thoroughly enjoyed the process, believed it resulted in good recommendations and hope that this process is adopted by other organisations.”